Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Christian Grey is my Hump Day Hunk!

Hump Day Hunk

I don't know if I will be applauded or slapped across the face for what I am about to admit.

I am a fan of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy .... 

Okay, good, I'm still alive. There has been so much controversy and differing opinions; but, hey, I enjoyed the love story between Christian and Ana. So, with all the hype about a movie in the making, various pictures of actors who could be Christian Grey have been popping up. My favorite has been Ann Maire Walker's blog where fans voted for their favorite actor to play this messed-up hunk.

I will share some of my favorites for this week's Hump Day Hunk.

Whether you are a Grey fan or not, these guys are HOT! 

I am officially rooting for Ian Somerhalder to win the role of Christian Grey!

Matt Bomer.

Henry Cavill

William Levy

Who's your vote for Christian Grey?

Happy Hump Day!

All photos taken from @50shadessource and twitterfans. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Teaser Tuesday - Undone By Her Tender Touch

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. This meme is simple and fun, you just pick up your current read, flip to a random page, and choose 1 or 2 teaser sentences to share! Here are the guidelines:

  • Grab Your Current Read
  • Open to a random page
  • Pick two “teaser” sentences from that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO SHARE SPOILERS! (make sure what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for other readers)
  • INCLUDE the TITLE & AUTHOR too, so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR and wish-lists! If possible, add the page number.
Current Read: Undone By Her Tender Touch (Harlequin Desire) by Maya Banks
Current Chapter: 10
Random page on Kindle: 59%

"Hot and cold. She could never figure out where she stood with him and it pissed her off. One thing she knew for certain - she wasn't going to wait around forever while he got his act together."

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks for stopping by.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Shirtless David Beckham...Monday Funny

I don't think it's a surprise that I have a little crush on David Beckham. I couldn´t resist putting this commercial up as my Monday Funny today. I saw the commercial for the first time last night and I would definately be one of the ladies saying "Shirt off!"

This one is funny too! This is how I see the romance stories I write in my head. LOL!

And since he DOESN'T take his shirt off, I have a surprise for you....

Happy Monday!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm Mrs. Robinson...Six Sentence Sunday

#sixsunday 5/27/12

Six Sentency Sunday is a day where published or nonpublished authors share six sentences from their work. I will share six sentences from my newest WIP, Frequent Flyer, continuing a few paragraphs from where I left off last week.  Hope, the middle school principal, has just invited Colin into her office.

                  Ms. Robinson’s long blonde hair looped into a bun at the back of her head, with strays falling on her long neck. She wore a tailored dark blue dress suit that showed off fine legs that she probably used to stomp on young misbehaved students. Her blue eyes glistened in his direction as she leaned back.

                “That’s right, Mr. Calaway.” She smiled, her full lips beckoning for his attention.  “I’m Ms. Robinson. It’s nice to meet you, finally.” 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dirty Little Secret - Hero's Clothing

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by us at Under the Covers. Every Thursday they get to know other bloggers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets.

To participate in the meme all you need to do is:

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image (code above) and copy instructions.
3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.
4. Then add your link.

What's the sexiest item of clothing a hero can wear in a novel?
I love when a hero wears barely anything at all! LOL! But, really, what I find the sexiest is comfortable clothing, like tattered jeans and barefoot. What is it about no shoes? I also like the comfy shorts and flipflops look. Here's a glimpse:


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Answer - Flash Fiction Blogfest

Below, find my entry into the Cherie Reich Flash Fiction Blogfest. Woah! I've never done this before and it was harder than I thought. A short story in 300 words or less.  In all honesty, I wrote this in thirty minutes. I didn't plan it, I didn't think about it, I just let the characters take over. LOL! I probably could have done a better job, but this week has been hectic! So, here is my flash fiction love story that I call...

The Answer

Lightning flashed.  

“One Mississippi….Two Mississippi…” Julie whispered placing her hand on the windowpane.  Boom! Another crack echoed behind her and she turned away.

 Immediately, she faced a tall figure and she jumped back. “Oh!”

He grabbed her arm, “Woah! Careful.”

Julie felt her face redden with recognition. “Josh, what are you doing here?” His tall body wore faded jeans, a tight white tshirt and a black leather jacket. Perfection!

He wiped his hands through his wet hair and smiled. “Good to see you too.”

“You startled me” She looked up into his dark eyes.  They stared at her the night before with the brewing question.  They haunted her last night – and thrilled her at the same time. “Big storm, huh?”

Josh smiled. “I’d say.” As if on cue, another rumble sounded in the sky and Julie jumped. “Wanna count together?”

“Are you making fun of me?” She leaned her head to her shoulder.

“Never.”  He grabbed her waist. “Come here.” He enveloped her entire body.

She told herself not to look up. If she looked up, she wouldn’t be able to stop her answer – even though it was all wrong.

“Look at me.” He whispered.  “You know what I want.” His fingers ran up to her hair and sauntered down to her cheek.  “Just say it, baby.”

She knew what he wanted – an answer - the one that sat in her heart and waited to escape.

Josh’s knuckles caressed her lips. Sighing, she opened her mouth, “Yes.” Another crash echoed through the window.  “I’ll marry you.”

He swooped her up in his arms. “Sweetheart, you will never regret this.”

A bolt of lightning appeared. He kissed her neck, “One Missisippi…” Then moved to her ear, “Two Mississippi… “ And one last look in her eyes, he said, “I love you… Mississippi.”

If you like participating in blog hops, please join mine. It will take place on June 30. The story of HOW WE MET. Tell readers how you met your significant other!

God Bless America ...Hump Day Hunk

Another Wednesday upon us. Do you need some motivation to move it past this hump to the rest of the week? Here it is...

God Bless America!

You want more? 

See you next week!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 5/20/12

#sixsunday 5/20/12

Six Sentency Sunday is a day where published or nonpublished authors share six sentences from their work. I will share six sentences from my newest WIP, Frequent Flyer, continuing where I left off. Last week we met Colin, our male MC. Now, we will meet Hope, our female MC.

Just as the school bell rang, he saw a tall figure wobble into the office entrance.  She stepped closer and said, “You must be Mr. Calaway. ”
                Colin stood, looked at her cast and then took a second look at the woman holding out her hand. “You’re the principal?”
                “Hope Robinson..” She smiled as he shook her hand. “I appreciate you coming at such short notice. Please come into my office. ”

Hope you enjoyed. Please come back for more of the story next week! If you want to read more form other authors, please go to the link provided at the top of the page.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hump Day Hunk 5/16/12

Happy Hunk Day! I mean...Hump Day. Half-way there...

And just because..... ANOTHER one! :)

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, May 14, 2012

First Loves

First Loves Blogfest

I have joined another blogfest hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh which is focused on our First Loves. Participants need to post 4 first loves: first movie, first song/band, first book, and first person. So, here I go!

First Movie: The first movie I ever remember going to was The Jungle Book. However, the first movie that I remember that made an impact on me was E.T. I loved everything about E.T. The friendships, the love, the science fiction, the hiding, and the discovery. I mean, who can resist loving a cutie, wrinkly little alien creature who says, "Ill be right here." I can't even count on my fingers how many times I saw this movie. I even had an E.T. birthday cake in the 5th grade! 

First Song/Band: I'm not sure if this is the first song I heard or first song I loved, so I will share a little of both. My first concert ever was Olivia Newton John. My oh my.... Let's Get Physical!  But, my first band love was Duran Duran. I was completely obsessed, much like the little Beilebers are now. I had my walls covered with the band, all their longplay albums (remember those) and belonged to all the fan clubs out there. 

First Book:  I became a reader in the fifth grade when I discovered the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Then the movie came out which made me more of a fan because of all the cute guys... Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe... :)

My hubby and I
First Person: Now, what is this supposed to mean? [{blushing}]  My first real boyfriend was in the eighth grade, Steve Ngyugen. I can't believe I remember his real name. My first love was Shelby. And my first real love was my hubby, Rafael. 

Love my first loves! Thanks for reading!

If you want to read more entries or participate, visit the link above. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday - Frequent Flyer 5/12/12

Today is Six Sentence Sunday. I decided to share my newest WIP, Frequent Flyer. These six are found at the beginning to introduce my hero, Colin, a single father waiting to meet his son's principal, Hope.

     Colin sat at the edge of the hard plastic seat. Above him, the steady click of the wall clock kept him company as he waited for the principal to come talk to him. The receptionist sat behind a desk calendar plastered with five different colored post-it notes. She smiled at him, sensing his nervousness, he guessed. He heard the sound of kids’ feet running down the hall, and he squirmed in the uncomfortable chair. How much longer did he have to wait?
Thanks for stopping by!


Differences Between Men and Women

Monday Funny for Romance Writers 5/13/12

One of my favorite things to do as a romance writer is write in both the female and male point of view. This gives me the chance to create real heroes for my heroines. I think that is what provides the true romance feeling in the story, the male's undying love shown through his eyes. However, as we all know, men and women are very different creatures. With this in imind, I have saved two videos to show the differences between the way men and women view romance.

First, a clip from the hit sit com Friends.

And if you have more time, a short film called He Said, She Said: Dinner Date. Warning: Not appropriate for under 18!

After viewing this, I continue to write my heroes how I hope and wish they would think. However, it is not guaranteed to be the truth. :)

Hope you have a great Monday!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How We Met Blog Hop!

My husband and I have been married almost 16 years. I always love to share our "How We Met" story. So, in honor of my 16th wedding anniversary, I am happy to host a new blog hop - the How We Met Blog Hop, which will take place on my anniversary, June 30. 

The rules are as follows: 

  1. Sign up on the linky below.
  2. Share the story of how you met your significant other, be it your husband, boyfriend or partner, in 100 words or less.
  3. Post a picture that was taken around the time you met.
  4. Link back to my blog somewhere in your post. ( or add the blog button at the top.
  5. Please consider adding the blog hop button to your blog somewhere, so others can find it easily and join in too! Spread the word!
  6. Visit at least three other links on the day of the hop and leave comments.

Here is my story - Rafael and Melinda

Tell us the story of how you met your significant other.

1. L. G. Keltner  6. Talynn  11. Suzanne Furness  
2. Andrea Teagan  7. Raine Kingsley  12. Chelsea Kelly  
3. Donna B. McNicol [@DonnaBMcNicol]  8. Writing on the Wall  13. AWTY - How We Met  
4. Are We There Yet?  9. Betty Barnes  
5. Heather Murphy  10. Crystal Hobbs  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dirty Little Secret 5/10/12

I thought I would try a new meme this week. Since I've been reading some HOT books, this was appropriate! 

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by us at Under the Covers. Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets. We hope that you will all join us!

To participate in the meme all you need to do is:

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image (code above) and copy instructions.
3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.
4. Then add your link below.

Non-bloggers: We want to hear from you as well!!! Let us know your answer in the comments!

We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!

This week's question: 
We've heard a rumor that Ryan Seacrest is using Fifty Shades of Grey as a manual in the bedroom.  
What book would you give a guy to study up on?

Lately, I have found myself reading some hot romance! They haven't been quite erotica, which isn't my thing, but they are right up there with the steam factor. This past week's guide for a guy would be either:

Love Me by Bella Andre

From my book review on goodreads:

Sizzling Hot! Love Me by Bella Andre is a perfect example of a hot read. Janica and Luke have known each other since their childhood, and they are direct opposites. Janica is a happy go lucky, free-spirit who is not shy to say what is on her mind or to ‘experiment’ with her life. Luke is a serious trauma surgeon who is all about saving lives. One devastating night in the ER spins Luke out of control and into Janica’s arms. 

Throughout the story, the two cannot have enough of each other.  Luke’s inner ‘bad boy’ erupts in one non-stop erotic night. At the same time, Janica ‘softens’ up and realizes she loves Luke – always has. It doesn’t stop there. Taking a leave of absence from work, Luke spends a few weeks at a beach house and Janica shows up to comfort him, and to prove to him that he is capable of love. Their discovery of a deep connection is played throughout the book. Luke and Janica discover who they are while showing us their love in some extremely sensual settings. 

Although this story is a sequel to Take Me series, I didn’t find it hard to understand, as I haven’t read the first. If you want a quick read with highly sensual tension and some fantastic steamy scenes, buy this now! It’s worth it.

The novella is highly romantic, yet sensual, that any romance freak would love. Including a man looking for some tips. :)

Happy reading,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hump Day Hunk 5/9/12

Another pick me up in the middle of the week! Enjoy!

Yee haw!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday Tea 5/8/12

It's been a while since I gave a decent book review. This past weekend, I found myself reading more than writing or editing. I have loads of books downloaded on my kindle and I can't wait to read them all. In fact, I am reading 3 books at once, right now. LOL! I don't know why I do that to myself. So, instead of sharing a review this week, I will share my TBR list. These books have been highy recommended by my favorite authors or good writing friends. Have you read any of these books? Which should I start next?

Currently Reading:
Jennifer Crusie is always on my book shelf.

I listen to this audiobook while I cook or do homework with my kids (audiophones required around the kids!) Jill Shalvis is my favorite author right now! So funny, sexy and unexpected.
Written by one of my critiquers at . A great Christian romance.

 My To Be Read List:

Highly recommended by my fave authors and readers everywhere.
Also recommended by friends. This is .99 on Amazon right now.

A favorite author from Harlequin. This book is free right now at Amazon!
Just downloaded this last nigh. Kristen Higgins is one of my favorite authors ever and the book was only 1.99 on Amazon!

Another fave Harlequin author.
That's it for now. I have a lot of reading to do. Have you read any of these books and what would you suggest to read first?

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Funny for Romance Writers 5/7/12

Another week has begun! And like many people...I hate Mondays. So, I have a Monday funny to hopefully give you a "pick me up" for the day.

This particular video is for those romance writers, like me, who write unforgettable male heroes. They are gentlemen, kind, sweet, witty and wise. Well, what happens after the book is done? Do these heroes stay heroes?


Have a happy Monday!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hump Day Hunk 5/2/12

Just to get us over that hump.... a little pick me up!

David Beckham

Insecure Writer's Support Group - May

My First "R"

I would like to say I truly belong to the Thick-Skinned Club. Most of the time, I do. But, there are days where I am a baby and any type of critique of my WIP drives me to tears. I admit it! Insecurity is always there, I think, for any writer. Will readers like our work as much as we do? We can’t please everyone.
I’ve decided to aim my writing for the publishing line I have read for so many years, a Harlequin category. Category romance is a special type of writing… readers know what to expect when they pick up the book and it includes tropes. In fact, in most cases, a reader will pick up a book because it comes from that particular category, even if they don’t know the author. I do anyway. I know what to expect from this type of romance.
For that reason, I sent off my first WIP to this publisher´s book pitch challenge.  Actually, they only asked for a one-page synopsis, which was hell in itself. In this challenge, I had only one week to hear back from the editors. They would pick five lucky winners to pitch their book. Well, I didn’t make it, so I guess this was my official first “Reject.”

It was bound to happen. Which author has never gotten a reject, especially on their first novel? Well, it still hurts. You always have that hope….and actually I still do. I am proud of my work. I am not proud of my first one-page synopsis, though. So, I will take this all as a learning experience and continue to work on my “baby” and send it off again. This time with the normal query letter, 2-page synopsis (easier said than done), and first chapter. That is a real indication of what type of writer I am.
This morning I found a great article that spoke to me. I’d like to share it with you. The Positive Side of Rejection.

I actually will take this rejection as a positive. I don’t feel down anymore. It has all been a learning experience. I will move on.

But, there is always that little doubt nagging me on the inside… so I think you for letting me share my insecurities and allowing me to move on.

If you are interested in joining the Insecure Writer's Support Group, please follow this link. Each month writer's share and support each other. We are in this journey together!

Happy Writing,