Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm Mrs. Robinson...Six Sentence Sunday

#sixsunday 5/27/12

Six Sentency Sunday is a day where published or nonpublished authors share six sentences from their work. I will share six sentences from my newest WIP, Frequent Flyer, continuing a few paragraphs from where I left off last week.  Hope, the middle school principal, has just invited Colin into her office.

                  Ms. Robinson’s long blonde hair looped into a bun at the back of her head, with strays falling on her long neck. She wore a tailored dark blue dress suit that showed off fine legs that she probably used to stomp on young misbehaved students. Her blue eyes glistened in his direction as she leaned back.

                “That’s right, Mr. Calaway.” She smiled, her full lips beckoning for his attention.  “I’m Ms. Robinson. It’s nice to meet you, finally.” 


  1. Hahaha! Love the stomping comment! Intriguing post! Wonder why he was sent to the principal's office? Great 6!

  2. The stomping bit was great! Looks like it's going to be an interesting conversation. Can't wait for more!

  3. Hmm, wonder why he's visiting the principal. Misbehaving child? Nice six!
