Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Answer - Flash Fiction Blogfest

Below, find my entry into the Cherie Reich Flash Fiction Blogfest. Woah! I've never done this before and it was harder than I thought. A short story in 300 words or less.  In all honesty, I wrote this in thirty minutes. I didn't plan it, I didn't think about it, I just let the characters take over. LOL! I probably could have done a better job, but this week has been hectic! So, here is my flash fiction love story that I call...

The Answer

Lightning flashed.  

“One Mississippi….Two Mississippi…” Julie whispered placing her hand on the windowpane.  Boom! Another crack echoed behind her and she turned away.

 Immediately, she faced a tall figure and she jumped back. “Oh!”

He grabbed her arm, “Woah! Careful.”

Julie felt her face redden with recognition. “Josh, what are you doing here?” His tall body wore faded jeans, a tight white tshirt and a black leather jacket. Perfection!

He wiped his hands through his wet hair and smiled. “Good to see you too.”

“You startled me” She looked up into his dark eyes.  They stared at her the night before with the brewing question.  They haunted her last night – and thrilled her at the same time. “Big storm, huh?”

Josh smiled. “I’d say.” As if on cue, another rumble sounded in the sky and Julie jumped. “Wanna count together?”

“Are you making fun of me?” She leaned her head to her shoulder.

“Never.”  He grabbed her waist. “Come here.” He enveloped her entire body.

She told herself not to look up. If she looked up, she wouldn’t be able to stop her answer – even though it was all wrong.

“Look at me.” He whispered.  “You know what I want.” His fingers ran up to her hair and sauntered down to her cheek.  “Just say it, baby.”

She knew what he wanted – an answer - the one that sat in her heart and waited to escape.

Josh’s knuckles caressed her lips. Sighing, she opened her mouth, “Yes.” Another crash echoed through the window.  “I’ll marry you.”

He swooped her up in his arms. “Sweetheart, you will never regret this.”

A bolt of lightning appeared. He kissed her neck, “One Missisippi…” Then moved to her ear, “Two Mississippi… “ And one last look in her eyes, he said, “I love you… Mississippi.”

If you like participating in blog hops, please join mine. It will take place on June 30. The story of HOW WE MET. Tell readers how you met your significant other!


  1. A very romantic marriage proposal. I like how you've worked the lightning into the story.

  2. A definite feel good story, as well as the right answer. Wonderful scene. :)

  3. Nice, Melinda! I enjoyed this. And good for you trying out flash fiction. I always enjoy reading it but I'm hopeless in writing it myself... sometimes I try, but it always morphs into a short story. Nice to see someone who succeeds in the genre!

  4. I enjoyed this romantic scene and loved the end, "I love you...Mississippi" perfect!

  5. Ah a happy ending! How I love those. :-D

  6. Aww, such a sweet piece! I loved the hint of steamy in it too. Good job!

    I'll announce the finalists tomorrow.
