Sunday, June 10, 2012

Friendly Games Six Sentence Sunday

Six Sentency Sunday is a day where published or nonpublished authors share six sentences from their work. I will share six sentences (or a few more) from my newest WIP, Frequent Flyer, continuing a few paragraphs from where I left off last week.  Hope, the middle school principal, has just told Colin that his son has a detention and that he needs more father-son time.


“There’s a Friendly Games Morning this Saturday and I know Jason would love to attend.”
“Sounds perfect. Will you be there?” Now, why did he ask that? Maybe he wanted to see Ms. Robinson in some athletic shorts. He shook his head.  Stop it, Colin! Get yourself together. Your son needs you.
                Her eyes widened and she smirked. “It’s a school function, so of course I’ll be there.”


  1. Oooo, the inadvertant slip of interest. I love that! Its like flirting without even knowing it! Great 6!

    1. Exactly! Colin can't help himself. He is never a flirt, except with Hope. She brings out the best in him.

  2. Heavy Sigh; Men! Always hitting on their kid's teachers. I would never do anything like that. Ok, I did it once ... um, twice. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Great Six Melinda.

    I also found your teaching blog. I've wanted to be a creative writing teacher and I'm definitely jealous of that, especially of where you get to do it. ;)

    1. Thanks ML! He doesn' mean to hit on the principal, it just happens. That is the major conflict in the book. I hope it doesn't have too much of an "ewie" factor. LOL!

      Thanks for checking on my teaching blog. I am not very active over there, but I wanted to cronicle my teaching ideas.

    2. Lol! The only "ewie" factor would his son's, but he'll grow out of that. He may not live it down, but he'll grow out of it. ;)

      I'm glad you do. You sound like an amazing teacher and it's clear the kids love you. That has to be the best experience. May I ask, are you there for a set period of time, or is this a permanent job for you?

  3. I already love Hope and Colin so much! Can't wait to read more about them!
