Monday, June 11, 2012

My Wacked-Out World. Monday Funny

I'm going crazy. I am in the week of hell. It is officially the last week of school, which means I'm teaching my last classes to overactive, life-draining, nincompoops my wonderful sixth graders, grading final exams, entering final grades, cleaning my classroom, saying goodbye to teaching friends who are moving on to other countries, and keeping up with my afterschool business, my tutoring center. So, add on about 2-3 more hours at the end of  my work day to my second job...tutoring. Then I get home, make sure my kids are studying for finals and maybe cook dinner (if I don't want my kids to starve or DH steps up to superhero and does it for me). 

And, oh yeah, in the middle of this week I finally get a request from a publisher to see my full manuscript! WOO HOO! SO, somehow, I have to finish my final edits and send that in before they forget about me. 

The good thing is that it's only ONE MORE WEEK and then I have the summer to write and maybe relax.

With that in mind, I wanted to take the time to share some writing funnies. Hope you enjoy.

If only we could really use these symbols when we edit.

This is how I'm feeling! I am still editing another story, but Frequent Flyer is dying to come out! 
Must buy!

Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully I am alive next week. Please check back!



  1. These are great! And congrats on the manuscript request!

  2. Congrats! and I just about laughed out loud when you said "overactive, life draining, nincompoops! Those would be great editing symbols. If a bit more interesting lol and preferably in colorful ink!

    Ana♥ Beach Bum Reads

  3. I hope you survive your week! Congrats on the publisher's interest :) Those are great funnies
