How it Works: Interview a heroine of your manuscript, novel, or WIP by a fellow female counterpart also from one of your written works. Your featured heroine can be interviewed by her best friend, a heroine from another one of your written works, a sister, the opportunities are endless!
Amanda Larson |
Interviewed by her super sassy best friend Chloe Nelson
Song played during the interview: Brown-Eyed Girl by Van Morrison
"Where have you been, Mandy? I've been waiting like thirty minutes." Chloe sat in the back booth of Manahatta's Bar and Grill.
"You know I've been busy. Don't get all huffy." Amanda sat her purse to the side. "Plus, I had to finish what I started with Jake." She winked at her friend.
"Oooooh. Spill the beans!" Chloe sat upright and leaned her chin on her hand. "This is an interview after all."
"I thought you were kidding. This is a real interview?"
"Yes and you're changing the subject." She wiggled her finger at Amanda.
"Okay, what do you want to know?" Giggling, Amanda leaned back in her seat, pushing her bangs back with her hand.
Chloe lifted her beer and took a swig. "First, tell me what you were doing with Jake."
Lifting an eyebrow, she answered. "I never kiss and tell."
"Oh, you party pooper." She eyed Jeff, the bartender. "Jeffy, can you bring Amanda her favorite martini?"
"Sure thing, snookums." Jeff yelled back.
"You two are still an item?" Amanda leaned her head to the side.
"Yep, and if you'd been around, you would know that." Chloe leaned forward again. "Okay, tell me what attracts you to Jake."
Amanda smiled to herself. "Well, I've been attracted to him since I was a teenager. I remember sitting in my bedroom window admiring his pecs as he worked out in his backyard. I loved having him as a neighbor." She giggled. "Once, I was alone at home and there was a huge lightning storm, which wasn't unusual in Louisiana. Well, I got scared and Jake came over and held my hand, in the dark."
"Oooooh. I like the sound of that. In the dark." Chloe popped her eyes open and smiled.
"Come on! We were good kids. Not like you. But that is something I love about Jake. He really cares. He didn't come over to take advantage of me, like other boys would have. He is gentle and understands me. Plus, he isn't too bad to look at." Amanda sighed.
Chloe leaned back. "Look at you. You're all red."
"I know. He does it for me. What can I say?"
Jeff brought over her martini and sat it on the table. "Hey, Amanda." Then he looked at Chloe. "Hey sexy. I get off at 2. You gonna wait for me?"
"You bet. Let me just finish this last interview question with Mandy."
Jeff sauntered off.
"What's the best date you ever had with Jake?"
Amanda bit her lip. "That's a hard one. We've had some great dates." She took a deep breath. "I would have to say my birthday last month. Remember? He surprised me with a trip to the mountains. A lonely cabin, just the two of us. Naked under the covers all weekend."
Chloe pretended to stick her finger in her mouth and gag. "You guys are so cute it's sickening."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Well, thanks for taking the time to meet me for the interview." She eyed Amanda's martini. "You gonna finish that?"
"You know me. If I do, I may not make it home. Alcohol and I don't mix."
"Can I have it then?" Chloe grabbed the glass without her answer.
"Sure, Chlo, go right ahead."
With that she heard a rumble behind her. "Hey Mandy."
Surprised, she saw Jake standing beside the table with his hands in his pockets.
"Jake, you followed me here."
He leaned toward her and enveloped her with his big arms. "I couldn't wait another minute. You took too long."
Chloe pretended to choke. "See what I mean. It's Clark Gable and Vivienne Leigh. Too cute for words."
"Better that than you and Desi Arnez. Or should I say Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio?"
"Definately Maryilyn." Jake laughed. "And you're my Scarlet O Hara." He nuzzled her neck.
"Let's get out of here and back to your apartment." She lowered her voice.
With that, Jake jumped up and pulled Amanda over his shoulder, leaving the bar with Chloe laughing behind them.
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