Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Google Plus for Newbies #Wwow

With all the social media out there, it's hard to keep up, but I found one place that ties in a little Facebook with Twitter -- Google Plus! I'll admit that when I first tried it, I was overwhelmed. But after spending a little time navigating through Google +, I found that I actually like it a lot. 

So, I will try to make a quick basic tutorial for newbies out there. Next week I will share why I think authors should use it for promotional purposes.

First, you will create your profile. Here is mine.

It's much like the timeline wall on Facebook. Your personal information, a picture of yourself, a cover picture, friends (who you follow) and your posts/wall. This is also where you can post your blog links or other information you want to share. Here is an example of my last post:

Here you can see my post titled "Book Spotlight Only You by Lorna Peel". You can write as much as you want about the post/link, add a link (or not) and a picture from the post will appear. You can choose from as many pics as you provide on the post. Also see the empty box at the top. This is the square where you can insert a new post. What I like is that you can choose which "Circle" you want to send the post to. You can also add a picture, video, file or link. 

Next is the HOME screen where you see the "Newsfeed" from the people you follow.

Here you will see posts, links, pictures, follower suggestions, trending hash tags. You can also post on this page. 

How do you find people to follow? There is an icon for FIND PEOPLE. Google will suggest people via your email or with the same interests.

Once you add friends to follow, you can place them into specified CIRCLES. You have the liberty to name your circles whatever you want (Authors, Publishers, Reviewers, etc.)

One last favorite aspect of Google Plus is the Communities section. You can find other people/groups with similar interests. You can even start your own community. 

There is so much more to the Google Plus Network, be it games, hangouts, exploration, events. Too much for a newbie, so I started with the basics. Try it out today, if you haven't already, and you won't be dissapointed. I can be found at:

Next week, I will discuss why Google Plus is an important social network for authors. 

WoW is a Smart & Savvy Group of Authors who write this weekly feature for their blog each Wednesday. While we don't claim to be experts, the goal is to impart what we've learned about writing, editing, getting published, book promotion, and more along the way. 
Follow along and read all this week's contributors' posts. 

You can follow us on twitter at #WWoW.
Or find us on facebook at Words of Wisdom.


  1. You explained some things I'd yet to figure out - and I thought I knew what I was doing. Thanks for the tips.

  2. There are pages too just like with Facebook. I'm still working all of the kinks out too, but all of my alter egos are there as are all Four Seduced Muses and our group account and pages.

  3. This looks fascinating. I bookmarked it so I can check back later when I have a bit more time to study it. Thanks.
