Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hashtags for Writers - #Wwow

Since I am in the midst of content editing (aka no time to write a new post), I will repeat a post from July for today's #Wwow (Writer's Words of Wisdom). Hope you find something useful!

I started to use Twitter as a writer a few months ago. I am still learning as there is no limit to all that we can do. So, this post is for those of you who are new to using Twitter, in particular, hashtags. Those tech savvy people may want to skip this, since it may bore you to tears. 

When I used Twitter as a writer rather than a personal user, I noticed more #hashtags. First, what are hashtags? Hashtags are keywords used to categorize tweets prefixed with a hash or pound symbol (#). Some tweets are full of hashtags and I am still learning what the point of that is. However, I decided to do some research about which hashtags are useful to a writer. Here are the ones I like:

#wip work in progress

#ww or #writerwednesday

Example of #amediting tweets:
Trying to take a day off is harder than just working. But those spare ribs won't grill themselves tomorrow... 
Wow. I am still editing. I can't believe it's 10pm. I just love reading this book! It's the best kind of work!! 

Hashtags are also a way to increase views of your tweets and possible new followers. Another cool feature of using hastags is an agreed upon chat time. One of my favorites is Monday nights between 7-9pm  #mancandymonday. I found this doc with an exhaustive list of chats about any subject. Check it out! 

Additionally, I discovered What an awesome tool for a social networker. Again, I am new to this. However, I recently discovered that you can create a column in Tweetdeck using a hashtag that you reference a lot. For instance, if I want to see #writetip comments only, those tweets are shown that have the hashtag. See below:

In the end, I believe using hashtags is a useful way for a writer to find advice, connect with other writers and find new followers. Try it out!

Check out these other authors' Writer's Words of Wisdom:

Thanks for stopping by,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reposting - I don't think I saw this the first time - this whole Twitter thing doesn't make much sense to me - but your post helped.
